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Vic Topmiller Jr

A brief summary of what this website is about.


1, This is a free website – anyone who searchs for will find it.

2, As you can see there are eight buttons across the top of the homepage, each button takes you to a usable category. In effect, if you select the Contact button you will move into “Let’s Chat.” It’s an email thing.

3, If you select the Home button you will be at the opening page where all of the buttons are. There you will also be looking at a great photo of Dona and I over looking the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

4, The other buttons are self explanatory and are there for you to explore.

5, However, under the “With No Malice” button are my “Opinion Columns” that you can read and enjoy, as you would any newspaper column. I write them to be thought provoking. They will be updated regularly and the newest column will be at the top of the list.

6, The button designated “Short Stories” will be true stories of my many adventures. They will appear over time and will be added to the previous story. And maybe other people’s adventures from time to time.


Now, where do you fit in and how should you use this website?


Here is what I expect for you to do in regards to this free website.


1, Wander around in it to become familiar with all of its aspects.

2, Go to the Gallery, select pictures that you might enjoy having on your wall or to give as a gift, or just enjoy exploring through the photos. They are well-indexed. I will need to sell pictures, but for you, I want it to be entertaining as well.

3, Check out “With No Malice.” Hopefully you will find information that is pertinent and interesting, first and foremost, and beyond that, I hope to meet you there on a regular basis. Don’t forget to leave comments.

4, Read a few short stories, I’m sure you will find some to your liking.

5, Donate. Now you may say “Here’s the catch.” But there is no catch. The Website is totally free and whether you feel it worthy of a donation or not, I hope you find it a rewarding experience.

All you will need to know about donating is under the “Donate” button.


Now, Who is Vic Topmiller Jr.


That is me, I’m not a SHADOW or a ROBOT. I am a 3rd generation professional photographer, writer and adventurer and retired Professional Surveyor. Hence, through this Website I can share with you and all of those who find us, my thousands of photographs, columns and short stories.


As I am either at this Keyboard or out in the field with my cameras, the site will be regularly upgraded with new photos, columns and short stories.


Incoming comments and picture suggestions are expected important, considered and acted upon when possible. I am not a techno person, but if you have a question to ask on any of these topics “Let’s Chat.”

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