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What are donations about.


Donations are not about making unearned money. Hardly, some of you will already know, but for those who haven’t developed a website, it takes a lot of time and money. It takes personal time gathering and editing the material that it is made up of, as well as the many fees that it requires. Not just one time fees but many on-going fees as well. So, all of the neophytes who haven’t ventured into this adventure, you will be surprised at what it takes to make one as complex as this one. But, if you are so inclined, and if you make good effort, and if you do good work, you will receive great pleasure in return.


This website does not and will not make a lot of money, that is not the intention,  but, for it to continue, it will have to pay the cost of support and consultants or naturally, I’ll just say good by.


You can make donations by check or credit card.

Checks should be sent to – Vic Topmiller Jr., P. O. BOX 2615, Silver city, New Mexico, 88062.


In the comments area you can designate up to 20% of your donation to “Bibles to Africa.” “Bibles to Africa” is not a corporate name yet, but is what the organization we affiliate with calls it. So far, 100% of the money designated to “Bibles to Africa” goes directly to purchasing Bibles.


Soon, when the details are worked out, I will have another account “For God’s Purposes.”

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Thank you for your donation!

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